CallScripter 4.5.53 for Interactive Intelligence

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6.  Plugin Manager

Change Description
Plugin now provides an error log to assist with troubleshooting.
The server-side plugin "Interactive Intelligence External Campaign Retrieval"  communicates to Dialer 4.0 retrieving the full list of Campaigns.  It is configured through the Plugin Manager, accessed from the System Manager menu in CallScripter. 
Activate the "Interactive Intelligence External Campaign Retrieval" plugin to enable your scripts to be linked to Dialer Campaigns.
For  CallScripter version 4.5.34 the standard System Plugin (as laid down during a default install) communicates with Dialer 4.0 SU2 only.  If using Dialer 4.0 SU3 and above, please download and install the relevant System Plugin from the Alliance Portal.