CallScripter 4.5.53 for Interactive Intelligence

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Segments and Wrap Up Codes

CallScripter has the ability to apply wrap up codes to interaction segments if the agent receives the call through a Workgroup and wrap up is active in the Workgroup settings (see screenshot below).
The wrap up code will be assigned to the segment ID being completed by the user at the time of the action.
The example below, a wrap up code of 'Transferred' will be applied to the user's current segment. The transfer will create a new segment within the interaction, which the destination agent will be able to assign a wrap up code to separately.
Note that if no outcome has been previously selected prior to a transfer, a default outcome of "transferred" will be set.  If an outcome was set before the transfer, that outcome will override the default  and be set as the wrap up assignment for the segment.
Segments will only be created for calls that are routed via workgroups that are configured to allow wrap up codes.  The workgroup will need to be configured to allow for wrap up assignments within the interaction administrator:
NB: only the Wrap-up Active box needs to be checked - outcomes will be generated from CallScripter and do not need to be added here.