Agent PC - CT Provider Installation

PLEASE NOTE: Prior to installing the CT Provider, please ensure the IceLib SDK or .NET Client is present on the agent PC as per System Requirements.
The CT Provider Setup Wizard is used to install the appropriate CT Provider software on each agent machine.  If the provider has not been installed on an agent machine, the agent will not see any options to choose a provider or log in via the agent toolbar when on the Agent Desktop.
The Setup Wizard is located in the root folder (the parent folder of the IIS site location for your CallScripter installation) of the CallScripter installation.  Navigate to the folder [CallScripter web root]\client_tools\cti\.  The file is named 'CallScripterCTProviders.msi'.
The installer lays down a DLL (CallScripter.CTI.Management.dll), typically in the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\CallScripter\CallScripter CT Providers.
Click Modify and select IceLib4Provider
Clicking Install will start the installation.