CallScripter 4.5.53 for Interactive Intelligence

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Agent Status

The list of available statuses for the agent can either be set at a system wide level through Application Settings, or on a per agent setting using the Toolbar Provider Admin Section.
'Selectable Status' may be populated with a pipe delimited list of statuses which will be available to the agent. If populated, this will override any system wide settings, if not set, no statuses will be available for the agent to choose from.
The following list is used as an example to demonstrate how a list will be presented to the agent:
The following image shows the list rendered as available statuses:


Whilst statuses may be selected from the configured list of available statuses in the toolbar, and set in script using the csCommand setstatus, however these may be overridden by status change rules on the CIC server. 
The following status keys may be configured in the Application Settings - CallScripter IceLib4 Provider, overriding the defaults: