CallScripter 4.5.53 for Interactive Intelligence

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ININ Client Command –Automatic

This control triggers automatically on page load and executes a csCommand. It can fire any* csCommand in the client program - for example, to set the agent status or disconnect the call.
If a script has been linked to a dialer campaign, fields on the script may be associated with dialer call list columns using the Link Column dopdown. The Link Column dropdown will not be visible if the script has not been linked to a campaign. These fields may be specified as a value of the Argument(s) required by the csCommand.  If the Use Script Variable checkbox is selected the Argument values may be selected from a dropdown list of Script Variables.
The most commonly executed commands used this control are:
Disconnects the current call
Opens the transfer window
Mute/un-mute the call
Hold/un-hold the call
Sets the agent's status, the argument specifies the new status
Sets the call stage (for outbound, N/A yet) - argument specifies the new stage number
Start recording the call
Pause/un-pause the recording (if there is one)
Requests a break
Picks up the call (when it is held/alerting or offering).  Toast presented on Agent Desktop.  The pickup toast also display options to disconnect and send to voicemail (from Version 4.5.46).
csCommand securepause deprecated from version 4.5.42. 
Replacements csCommands securepausedefault, securepauseinfinite, securepause resume and securepausetimeout cannot be triggered with this control.  Please use the csCommand within a javascript or javascript button control instead.